Before sending requests to add mental health links and resources, do note that I have a few ground rules on what sites and organisations I allow to be linked. I also use these criterias to organise a ‘black list’ for organisations that I think prey on people seeking mental health treatment. I will be uploading an updating list in the future.

  1. There must be no religious overtones. This includes the American 12 steps program.
  2. While for-profit organisations are allowed, they must be focused on affordability and treatment, not simply monetisation. High costs will be denied.
  3. No pseudosciences. Placebo therapies are recognised, but wild claims such as ‘crystals curing psychosis’ will be denied.
  4. Articles must be written either by medical professionals (doctors; nurses; etc) or by individuals with a history of first-hand experience on the topic. A by-line, while not necessary, can help the vetting process.

If you think your website fits these requirements, feel free to contact me at:
[email protected]

Fair warning that I will be publishing my black list soon, and should I find anything shady or manipulative either in the organisation or institute, it’s going up for everyone to see.