Writer • Designer • Advocate

Tag 139

Mental Health: The Rest and the Period

Forgive me in advance but this post will seem a little random around the edges. When I write about mental health, I usually let what I feel run more freely, to better express life with it. And right now, I… Continue Reading →

Writing: The Loser’s Journey

139: In Evening, is my very first original publication. After over eight years of crafting the art of writing, it was the first work that I felt was worthy of going all the way. And it is one that I… Continue Reading →

Writing: The Exciting Future

Something happened this month. Actually, that’s an understatement. A lot of things had happened within the past few weeks (about this much |__(o_o)__| ) but I had not had the chance to do a proper blog post in reaction to everything…. Continue Reading →

Writing: The Quitting Aftermath

I’m probably right when I say I’m one of the last few authors on JukePop that had a story started as a JukePop Draft and is now nearing completion as a JP regular. Now, for most of you who don’t… Continue Reading →

Thoughts On: 139 Serials (Part 2)

Like a lot of writers, I like to listen to music when I do my craft. I even have a personal YouTube playlist full of songs I can get inspired by just so that I can listen on the go,… Continue Reading →

Failing is an Option Now

Update. I’ve quit my job. Overused, underpaid, and lack of proper management skills on the end of the production house has finally lead me to call it. I’ve been in the media circle for five years now and I’ll tell… Continue Reading →

The Job Thing

So I’ve got a job. At a film production house. Yay? I guess that’s great. I mean, I’ve been looking for one for some time now, but to actually coming to one is making my heart all beat fast and… Continue Reading →

Thoughts On: 139 Serials (Part 1)

I’ve been pretty shit at following my Thoughts On blog posts schedule. I guess I just ran out of things to say. I also ran out of time, but that’s because I’m now out looking for a job and doing some odd… Continue Reading →

Thoughts On: In Evening Chapter 24 & 139 Years Chapter 12

I will admit I forgot to do a ‘Thoughts On’ last week because I was too busy playing video games. But hey, it says up there in my tag line that I’m a gamer so I’ll just chalk that up… Continue Reading →

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