This short story is in response to people I know who insists that everyone, and they do mean everyone, can succeed in life if they simply choose to work hard, with hope, endurance, and a little moxy. 

Person: Hi, I’m poor, and I would like some money.

Clerk: Sure thing, all you have to do is work hard, and you’ll earn money. 

Person: What kind of job can I choose?

Clerk: You can choose any job you want.

Person: Okay. Can I have the highest paying job available?

Clerk: I’m sorry, you do not have enough qualification.

Person: How do I qualify?

Clerk: You can go to school. That will cost you $250,000.

Person: But I’m poor! I don’t have money!

Clerk: Then you can get a job to earn money.

Person: That’s what I’m trying to do! Urgh… okay, what jobs can I do?

Clerk: You can choose any job you want!

Person: I mean, what jobs do I qualify for?

Clerk: You can take this low paying job. If you work hard and the person above you leaves their position, you can get their job.

Person: How long will that take?

Clerk: As long as the person above you, who is making more money for likely the same, if not less work, decides to leave.

Person: Urgh… whatever, I need the money. Can I start work now?

Clerk: Of course. The job is across the country.

Person: What!? I don’t even live there!

Clerk: For a fee, we can help you move there.

Person: I don’t have any money!!! Is there any job I can take?

Clerk: *Smiles* You can choose any job you want!

Person: Without paying!

Clerk: For the no payment option, you can enter this random drawing off all the people in your area with your skill sets.

Person: What are the odds of that?!

Clerk: I don’t know 😀

Person: ……

Clerk: *smiles*

Person: What job… can I choose?

Clerk: You can choose any job you want.